Computer is an electronic device which takes the input, process the data and gives the output.
Computer is invented by Charless Babbage.

The two types of computer are 1. Hardware which are the physical components of the computer. 2.Software which are the a)System software eg: operating system b) Application software eg: ms-office c) Utilities eg: Drivers.

Computer is divided into three units
1. Input Output unit:
It takes the input and gives the output
The input devices are keyboard,mouse,joystick etc..
2.Processing unit:
It controls the entire system. Eg:
Motherboard.microprocessor,Ram etc..
3.Storage unit:
The entire system is stored in this unit, eg:
Harddisk, Floppydisk, cd-rom, pen drives etc..

CPU (Central Processing Unit)
The entire system is controlled by CPU. It consists of Arithmetic Logic unit, Memory unit, Control unit.
The input given to the computer is stored in the form of bits and bytes.

Operating system
It is the interface between the user and the computer.It converts user language into binary language.The different operating systems are Dos, Windows, Novell, Linux, Solaries etc..

The Microsoft operating systems are:
Dos, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000 server, Windows NT, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP, Windows 2003 server, vista, Windows 2008 server.
Dos-Disk operating system is the first operating system


The physical components of the computer are termed as hardware.
Input Devices:
Components used to feed, enter commands or data.
1. Keyboard: The windows keyboard comprises of various keys sets
a) Alphabet keys set: This set comprises of alphabet keys. By default the keys are "lower case". On pressing the Shift key they change to "upper case".
b) Number keys set: Available in 2 sets. One of the sets print numbers on the screen. The other set is combined with navigation keys. By default the "navigation keys" is activated.To activate the number keys press num lock.
c) Navigation keys set: These keys help in moving the mouse cursor and is used in playing video games.
d) Function keys set: This set comprises of keys from F1 to F12.All keys have special function. eg: F1 for Help.
e) Special Functions Set: This set comprises of Special Keys which have a preset function.
A- Enter B- Backspace C-Tab D-Shift E-Capslock F- Esc G- Alt H- Ctrl I- Numlock J- Scroll Lock K- Delete
L- Insert M- SysRq N- Print Sreen O-Home P- Page up
Q- Page down R- End S- Windows Logo.

2. Mouse:
It is a handheld pointing device for computers. It is used to move a cursor on the computer screen and used for drawing, selecting text and graphics. Varieties of mouse are normal mouse, optical mouse and cordless mouse.

3. Joystick:
They are devices used for playing games on the computer.
There are many other input devices.

Output Devices:
Components used to generate output result of the command.
Eg: Monitor, Printer, etc..

1. Monitor:
It looks like a TV. It has a screen. It allows the user to see the result of the inputs and output generated by the computer.
Usually they have a screen curved at the corners. Now they come with flat screen like LCD, TFT, PLASMA displays.

2. Printer:
It is used to print data.The types of printers are impact and non-impact printers.
Impact Printer: It produces the impression of an image on the paper. Eg: Dot- Matrix
Non-Impact Printer: The image is directly printed on the paper. Eg: Ink-Jet, Laser printer.

It is a device through which one can hear sound played by the computer.Sometimes they require a sound card.

Processing Devices:
Components used to process the command and generates results.Eg:Micro Processor, RAM, Motherboard, VGA .